Regenerative Therapy for Hair Loss in Spokane, WA


Regenerative Therapy for Hair Loss in


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Welcome to the CoolSuite

Regenerative Hair Therapy for Hair Loss in Spokane

#1 Latest Innovative Procedure designed to treat Hair Loss and Global Thinning for Women and Men

Exosomes in Hair Restoration

The CoolSuite is committed to achieving the best results for its patients. It follows the latest techniques and products on the market to provide its patients with the most natural-looking, dramatic results.

Contact the clinic today if you want to learn more about Regenerative Product Therapy with Exosomes, to treat hair loss in Spokane, WA.


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How are exosomes used for hair restoration?

Exosomes are tiny sacs released by cells that carry chemical messages that signal cells within the body to heal and regenerate.  Exosomes contain growth factors that provide significant tissue repair and regenerative wellness. They are extensively tested to ensure they provide the highest standard of safety and purity.

To achieve hair restoration, purified exosomes are carefully applied to target areas of the scalp where hair is thinning. This is followed by microneedling to promote further and deeper cellular regeneration of the hair follicles and encourage healthier, more active hair follicles.

Once an exosome treatment is completed, the exosomes start working immediately to stimulate and improve hair growth. Most patients will see increased hair growth and thicker, more healthy hair within two or three months.

Treatment Details

Consultation Required?

Yes - In person / Virtual



Sessions Needed: 

3 - 5

Results Duration:

1 - 2 Years

Why You’ll Love Regenerative Hair Loss Therapy with EXION in Spokane, WA


Cause and Effect

This newest hair regenerative treatment combines AI (Artificial Intelligence) for precise micro-needling with the finest exosomes to deliver results.

  • May address the root cause of hair loss
  • Non-surgical treatment
  • No need to transplant hair
  • Potentially long-lasting results
  • Minimal downtime

No Recovery Period

After a Hair Regenerative treatment at the CoolSuite, you can return to your day without missing a beat.


No Downtime

Robotic Hair Regeneration treatments allow you to go about your day.


No Toxins and No Chemicals = No Side Effects. Hair Regeneration for hair loss in Spokane, WA can deliver amazing results without the side effects of any potentially harmful substances.

What to Expect

The EXION Hair Regeneration Therapy Process



Before your Robotic Hair Regeneration treatment, you’ll meet with a CoolSuite provider for a consultation. We will examine your treatment area(s), answer your questions, and discuss your concerns and goals for this treatment. The consultation process helps us determine if this is the best treatment for you and how many sessions are needed for your desired results.


Exion Hair Regeneration Treatment

For the procedure, we will make sure you are in a comfortable position. Apply numbing cream to the treatment areas. After numbing for approximately 45 minutes, the area will be cleansed. Following, one pass of robotic microneedling with pure exosomes applied and then another pass of treatment. If there are areas that need some extra attention a third pass may occur.


Next Steps

There is nothing else to do. Only keep the treated area clean and dry for the next 24 hours.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Exion Hair Restoration feel like?

The EXION Robotic Hair Restoration procedure will be virtually pain-free because we will make sure you are numb before any treatment. You may feel a cool feeling from the cream. You simply sit and relax during the treatment. You can even watch television!

Am I a candidate for EXION Hair Restoration?

Most people experiencing hair loss can benefit from our Hair Restoration. Our dedicated licensed staff is ready to answer all your questions about EXION Hai Regeneration in Spokane, WA, and make sure this is the right treatment for you!

Why EXION Hair Regenertaion?

Robotic Hair Regeneration is the best-in-class, non-surgical solution for treating hair loss.

How fast will I see results?

You begin to feel tangible results in about a month after treatment. Positive results are usually reported six weeks after the last session and continue to improve for several months following the series of treatments.

Is there any downtime?

EXION Robotic Hair Regeneration is a non-invasive procedure that requires no recovery or downtime after the procedure.

Is EXION Hair Regeneration painful?

An EXION Hair Regeneration treatment should not be painful. Your provider will tailor the intensity of the treatment according to your tolerance level.

How long do EXION Hair Regeneration results last?

We should be able to maintain healthy hair follicles for 1 – 2 years. Then it typically requires just one treatment to keep our new hair growth and health in shape!


Get Started

Ready for renewed confidence? At the CoolSuite, you can get the best in your face, body, health, and wellness in Spokane without surgery or downtime. There’s a better way to feeling great in your own skin. Use our Virtual Consultation Tool to start your journey today!

Virtual Consultation